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BeOS for Power Mac
Hardware Requirements


What graphics cards does the BeOS for Power Macintosh support?

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BeOS for Power Mac:
Hardware Requirements
FAQ Number:
Last Modified:
BeOS, Power, Mac, Hardware, Requirements, video, graphics, card
The BeOS for Power Macintosh can use almost any graphics card in a basic (but slow) mode. We currently provide direct (fast) support for the following graphics configurations:
  • Macintosh and Mac-clone built-in video
  • ATI Mach 64/Xclaim GA (not Xclaim VR or Xclaim 3D, yet)
  • IMS Twin Turbo 128 M2/M4/M8
  • Matrox Millennium, Millennium II

We are working with a number of graphics cards makers and third party developers to provide support for different graphics cards on the BeOS. Driver availability updates will be on the Be web site.

Note that these are different graphics cards than the ones supported in our BeBox hardware. See the list of BeBox-compatible graphics cards for that information.

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