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Mac Network Cards


    A MacOS ethernet card is not functioning in the BeOS, including Farallon and Asanté cards, plus the interesting multifunction E100 cards shipped with some Umax systems.

    The BeOS PPC supports DEC 21040/21041 compliant cards and many on-board ethernet connections on compatible MacOS PPC computers. There are many cards that do not fit this rule.

Things to try:

    Your best option to get your card supported is to contact the manufacturer and request BeOS drivers. If they don't know the drivers are needed, they won't be written. Most companies welcome input from their paying customers. Even if they say no, they can hear the dollars slipping away to someone who will say yes.

    This is a list of three cards we have tested successfully:
    SMC PCI EtherPower (SMC 8432)
    Linksys EtherPCI LAN Card
    Kingston EtheRx PCI Ethernet (KNE40T & KNE40BT)

    Remember, Be Inc. is not responsible for purchasing decisions based on compatibility information released about the BeOS.


    Contact your card manufacturer to follow their feature request process. Simply request BeOS support so they have a record of BeOS support demand on file.

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