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Be Newsletter Article Suggestions

Developers: we want to know which topics you think we should be covering in Engineering Insight and Developer Workshop newsletter articles.

Article suggestions we receive will also be used by our Developer Support team to determine topics for future tutorial and sample code offerings.

Note: We're looking for BeOS programming article suggestions here. Topics such as: "How do I format my hard drive?", "I really want feature X in the BeOS", and "Explain pointers to me" are not appropriate. Technical support questions should be referred to the support section of the web site; feature requests should be submitted via the bug report form; answers to C++ questions can be found in a decent book).

Topics such as: "How do I write a file system add-on?", "Please explain the correct way to use 3DWorld objects in the 3D Kit", and "Could you walk through making a basic window with menu items, buttons, and scroll bars?", however, are quite appropriate.

We won't be publishing the results of the article suggestions, since we want to gauge Be developer interest on the topics and we don't want to influence future suggestors.

Thanks for your input!

     Developer ID:

Article Category:

Short Description:

Full Description: (if necessary)

Have any suggestions, questions, or confessions regarding this form? Please e-mail them to webmaster@be.com.

Note to sites behind firewalls (especially AOL Users): Due to the way some firewalls work (or don't, depending on your perspective), after clicking the Submit button above you may not receive the intended confirmation screen, instead getting a message about "Cannot retrieve http://mos-eisley.bPOST". That's OK. We'll still get your request normally. You do not need to submit a second time. Thanks!

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